Thursday 20 November 2014
South of England Agricultural Society Showground at Ardingly, West Sussex (show map).
The South Eastern Prime Stock Show, formerly Edenbridge Fatstock Show, has a long tradition of producing strong entries of cattle and sheep ready for market showing the best conformation and quality.
The cattle and sheep rings offer a full morning's programme of classes with judges prepared to discuss with both the exhibitors and the public the reasons for their decisions. Butchers' lamb classes are judged in pen and are always popular with many of these entries sold in auction after lunch.
The South Eastern Charolais Society Annual Calf Show together with a Pure Bred Calf Show for Native and Continental Calves will add an interesting dimension to the Show.
Always a major attraction at this show are the Young Handlers' classes, where children and young farmers from local schools are tested on their ability to handle and present cattle and sheep in the ring. The Carcass show, the Sausage and Pie competition, the Children's art competition and Young Achiever's Award add to the excitement.
Entry is free to the public at the South of England showground, Abergavenny Building from around 8.30 am when judging begins. With trade stands, refreshments and raffle to support the Show, this is an annual event to raise the spirits as November draws to a close.
The 2015 show will be held on Thursday 19 November 2015.
South of England Agricultural Society Showground at Ardingly, West Sussex (show map).
The South Eastern Prime Stock Show, formerly Edenbridge Fatstock Show, has a long tradition of producing strong entries of cattle and sheep ready for market showing the best conformation and quality.
The cattle and sheep rings offer a full morning's programme of classes with judges prepared to discuss with both the exhibitors and the public the reasons for their decisions. Butchers' lamb classes are judged in pen and are always popular with many of these entries sold in auction after lunch.
The South Eastern Charolais Society Annual Calf Show together with a Pure Bred Calf Show for Native and Continental Calves will add an interesting dimension to the Show.
Always a major attraction at this show are the Young Handlers' classes, where children and young farmers from local schools are tested on their ability to handle and present cattle and sheep in the ring. The Carcass show, the Sausage and Pie competition, the Children's art competition and Young Achiever's Award add to the excitement.
Entry is free to the public at the South of England showground, Abergavenny Building from around 8.30 am when judging begins. With trade stands, refreshments and raffle to support the Show, this is an annual event to raise the spirits as November draws to a close.
The 2015 show will be held on Thursday 19 November 2015.